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Whether building your website from scratch, or looking to hire a professional website designer, settling on the right website platform for your small business is key. There are tons of website building options out there, but this post will cover three of the most popular: WordPress, Squarespace, and Showit. I will break down some pros […]

Top Website Building Platform, According to a Professional Website Designer

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I am the queen of snacks. My 15 month old son would be the king. The kid can EAT. So having spent my fair share of time eating, shopping, and browsing menus for the best snacks of all time, I have also thought about what snack would best represent my business. (Normal, I know.) Cutting […]

If My Business Were a Snack… And What The Heck That Has to Do With Branding

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If you have spent any time as a service provider, you have probably been asked, “but, who is your ideal client?” Hopefully you have put some real thought into this question and have an answer ready to go, because although it might feel a little weird and creepy (just being honest here…), having a fictional […]

Who Is My Ideal Client… And How to Find Yours

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Hi and welcome! My name is Kelly and I am a website designer and brand creation specialist. I work with creative entrepreneurs setting out to do the dang thing and live a life they are wildly passionate about. Due to my job, I see a lot of websites. I mean we all do. In 2022, […]

3 Most Common Website Mistakes… And How to Fix Them

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Any good website is a direct reflection of their brand and business. But there are 5 key features every homepage needs to make potential clients convert to repeat business. Ready for the secret sauce? Let’s go! Your Brand: The MOST important thing about your homepage is that it should reflect your brand! If you are […]

5 Must-Haves For Your Website’s Homepage

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Our websites have many purposes for our business, right? They are a reflection of who we are and what we do, share our services and/or products, and give potential clients a space to contact us. But, arguably the most important feature a website can provide, is creating a connection with a potential client. Your FAQ […]

The Power of an FAQ Page

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One of my greatest fears about entering the entrepreneurial world was how the heck to take time off. Well, your girl loves a vacation, so let me show you how to plan for your own vacation as a small business owner. First, a good vacation should be planned ahead of time. Obviously, things come up […]

How to Just Take the Dang Vacation Already

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Believe it or not, it’s true. Having an intentional website design can directly translate to less work for you and your business. But, what is it about a well-designed website that makes a difference for you? Think about the last time you needed a service provider. If you follow me on Instagram (@kellyryannco), then you […]

Your website can mean less work

Intentional Website Design Can Mean Less Work?!

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